Fall Reset

Reset your habits for a healthy fall season.

Reset your nutrition.

Reset your sleep.

Come back to balance.

Reset your habits for a healthier season.

2024 program starts October 2

Program Description

Fall into wellbeing.

Reset your habits to be your best this autumn!

When you take the time to reset your routines for nourishment, sleep, and movement, life is better.

Join our 4-week online guided Fall Reset to get your body and mind on track for a healthy fall and winter season.

The Fall Reset will help you:

  • Prioritize and prepare simple and wholesome fall foods.
  • Improve your sleep and regain your energy.
  • Create habits for moving your body more every day.
  • Step into the role of being your own best caregiver.
  • Create routines for feeling more grounded and at ease as you move through the fall season.

What You Get

Live Group Sessions

Join 4 live group sessions via ZOOM video-conference. Replays available.

Resource Library with Videos, Tip Sheets, and Recipes.

With this course, you get access to a learning platform with videos, a program workbook and an online recipe collection.

Supportive Yoga Practices

Enjoy a collection of Fall themed yoga practice videos.

Interactive Community & Support

Members have access to a private group chat where you can ask questions, receive answers, share your experience, and get support from Annie and your peers.

Add-on option: Personalized Wellness Coaching

For personalized attention, add a wellness coaching package to your program. See details here.


A guided 4 week seasonal reset.

You'll get guidance and support for taking better care of yourself with seasonal foods, better sleep, and daily movement and mindfulness practices.

  • Mindful self-compassion. Self-acceptance and choosing to be a friend and ally to ourselves rather than an enemy and critic.
  • Healthier eating. Habits for meal planning, eating seasonally, and eating more mindfully.
  • Deeper rest. Strategies to wind down at night and improve your sleep quality.
  • Better routines. Start your day feeling energized, and centered and end your day feeling relaxed and calm.
  • Move your body. Make physical activity a habit. Explore easy and effective ways to move and exercise your body more every day.

Live Meeting Details

We will meet on Zoom on the following dates

  • October 2, 2024 Noon - 1 PM Pacific
  • October 9, 2024 Noon - 1 PM Pacific
  • October 16, 2024 Noon - 1 PM Pacific
  • October 23, 2024 Noon - 1 PM Pacific

*If you can't attend the live meetings, don't worry; the meetings will be recorded and you will receive links to the replays after the meeting. You may also take this program as an on-demand course and use the materials and video replays on your own timeline.

Sign up here



*If you've been a member of a Fall or Spring Reset in the past, you can take this program for a 50% discount. Contact us to get your discount code.

*If you are a Vibrant Soulful Member, this program is included in the Vibrant Soulful Membership Package.

Sign up here


Contact Annie Barrett for more information or to request a Discovery Session.

Contact Annie

"I feel like I’m in a better space within my body. I noticed as the bad foods were being eliminated, like tortilla chips and caffeine, that I overall felt my nervous system was better prepared to handle the change in seasons. I like that I’m integrating more warm foods and that my diet feels more balanced. I also don’t seem to have the same cravings for sugars like I used to which I think is a really good thing for my body type."
- Laura Westrup

"The course materials helped me become more creative with meal planning and create meals that are filling and help me curb snacking. I am enjoying a greater self-awareness regarding what foods I choose becoming more aware of mindless snacking. I feel more energetic."
- Mandy Stahre

"Annie is a caring and compassionate teacher, guide, and instructor. I loved learning more about my own body and rhythms through the lens of Ayurveda. Annie taught me small incremental changes can make a huge difference in how my body, mind, and heart show up in the world. I look forward to working with Annie through Spring and Fall Detoxes, so my body begins to crave these opportunities to simplify, not only my life but my eating with a gentle reset. I enjoyed creating new habits around my sleep, self-care, movement, and hydration. If you are looking to build in a new relationship with you - I highly recommend working with Annie!" - Tracy Rebstock
