Build a Self-Care Tool Box

Published by Annie Barrett: 
March 8, 2023

Self Care

Self-care is not selfish or self-indulgent. We cannot nurture others from a dry well. We need to take care of our own needs first, so that we can give from our surplus, our abundance. When we nurture others from a place of fullness, we feel renewed instead of taken advantage of.

— Jennifer Louden

Self-care isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity. A parent, caregiver, provider, worker, manager, leader, or administrator who is perpetually exhausted has little to give. 

Self-care looks different for everyone and that’s OK. When you practice self-care, everyone wins!

The World Health Organization defines self-care as:

“the ability of individuals, families, and communities to promote health, prevent disease, maintain health, and to cope with illness and disability with or without the support of a healthcare provider.”

Self-care is the art of paying attention to you and your needs and may include:

  • Eating well and prioritizing nourishing food.
  • Refreshing yourself  by taking mini breaks throughout the day.
  • Quality time with special people
  • Winding down with calming activities to decompress after work or school
  • Making time for rejuvenative rest and sleep.
  • Feeding your spiritual self  by engaging in activities that bring meaning and peace to your life.
  • Knowing yourself  and doing more of what brings you joy

Self-Care Assessment 

Adapted from The Positive Thinking Workbook by Alexa Brand, MS, LMFT

This assessment helps you consider your current relationship with a range of self-care activities. After completing this assessment, you’ll identify three areas in which you’d like to focus your attention.

Using the scale below, rate the frequency of the following self-care activities.

1 = Never

2 = Rarely

3 = Sometimes

4 = Occasionally

5 = Frequently

______  I take the time to engage in my favorite hobbies.

______  I get at least 7 hours of sleep each night.

______  I make time for joyful physical activity/exercise.

______  I take rest and breaks.

______  I get preventative care and medical care as needed.

______  I make sure I’m getting nourishing food.

______  I use healthy coping skills for stress.

______  I maintain healthy boundaries with others.

______  I socialize on a regular basis with friends.

______  I spend time in nature.

______  I keep my environment tidy and organized.

______ I make the most of my vacations and time off.

______ I engage in personal wellness rituals (showers, massages, spa days, skin care, etc.)

______ I keep my media consumption in check and avoid unhealthy media consumption.

What are three areas to begin improving your self-care?




3 S’s: A Formula For Wellbeing

  • Daily Self-Care - what do you do to recharge daily?
  • Weekly Social Support - who do you connect with each week?
  • Monthly Services - what professional or wellness services or providers do you schedule each month? 

Daily Self Care

Morning and evening self-care routines make a huge difference to your well-being.

Most days are busy, hectic, and variable with work, family needs, projects, errands, etc. You’ll be able to take care of yourself and others best if you make time for yourself in the morning and evening. Bookend your days with routines and rituals that energize, calm, and center you.

A morning routine or ritual energizes you and helps you start the day from a clear and centered state.

A morning routine might include:

  • Getting up early and mindfully welcoming the day.
  • Enjoying a centering practice such as meditation, breathing work, or a spiritual practice.
  • Moving your body. Exercising.
  • Eating a nourishing breakfast.
  • Spending time planning your day.

An evening routine helps you wind down and release accumulated stress from the day.

An evening routine might include:

  • Exercising to release the stress of the day.
  • Setting a boundary to not do more work in the evening after your workday.
  • Mindfully preparing and eating dinner.
  • Taking a walk.
  • Reading a book.
  • Taking a bath.
  • Getting off your screen one hour before bed.
  • Getting to bed by 10 PM.

Building self-care into your work day ensures that you tend to your body, mind and emotions while you work.

Some ideas include:

  • Staying hydrated with water or herbal tea.
  • Taking frequent breaks to revitalize yourself and increase productivity. 
  • Taking a proper lunch break. Sit down and eat your lunch in a relaxing environment 
  • If you’re working at a desk, moving your body every hour.
  • Walking during your breaks. 
  • Taking a stretch break in your office. 
  • Making time to check in and socialize with your coworkers.

Weekly Social Support

Schedule social support weekly

Humans have evolved to seek support and receive support from others. Solving problems and managing stress on one's own isn't as effective as giving and getting support from others. Make time to meet or check in with a supportive friend or loved one each week. This should be someone who fills your cup, not drains it! 

Monthly Services

Schedule services for yourself each month

Monthly services for wellbeing are services you receive from a professional or helper in your community in order to enhance your physical, mental, emotional, financial, and spiritual well-being. These might include: 

  • Attending health issues with a provider
  • Working with a coach or therapist
  • Setting up an appointment with a financial planner 
  • Participating in a support group.
  • Receiving bodywork such as a massage or chiropractic care. 
  • Using services provided to you by your employer or services available at your workplace

Build Your Self-Care Tool Box

Adapted from The Positive Thinking Workbook by Alexa Brand, MS, LMFT

Identify different types of self-care you could integrate into consistent routines or rituals.

Physical activities (example: a 20 minute walk)


Soulful activities (example: 10 minutes of journaling each evening)


Relaxation activities (example: 20 minutes of reading)


Grounding activities (example: 5 minute meditation)


Cleaning activities (example: putting away laundry)


Energizing activities (example: listening to music)


Social media/news boundaries (example: no news/media before noon or after 8 PM)


Identify the kinds of self-care activities you’d like to include in your day, week, month and year.

What kinds of self-care activities do I want to do in the morning?


What kinds of self-care activities do I want to do in the evening?


What kinds of self-care activities can I fit into the work day?


3 Daily Self-Care Activities

  1. _________________________________________________________________________________________

  1. _________________________________________________________________________________________

  1. _________________________________________________________________________________________

3 Weekly Self-Care Activities

  1. _________________________________________________________________________________________

  1. _________________________________________________________________________________________

  1. _________________________________________________________________________________________

3 Monthly Self-Care Activities

  1. _________________________________________________________________________________________

  1. _________________________________________________________________________________________

  1. _________________________________________________________________________________________

3 Yearly Self-Care Activities

  1. _________________________________________________________________________________________

  1. _________________________________________________________________________________________

  1. _________________________________________________________________________________________

Identity the people you can count on for social support.

3 People I Can Count On For Weekly Social Support

  1. _________________________________________________________________________________________

  1. _________________________________________________________________________________________

  1. _________________________________________________________________________________________

Identify the services you’d like to receive each month to enhance your wellbeing.

Services I Want to Schedule Monthly

  1. _________________________________________________________________________________________

  1. _________________________________________________________________________________________

  1. _________________________________________________________________________________________

“Self-care is one of the active ways that I love myself. When you can and as you can, in ways that feel loving, make time and space for yourself.”

— Tracee Ellis Ross
